

All ECROS members benefit from various communication tools and strategies:

Digital visibility

Website, media, social networks

Conferences and press releases

Research projects and cooperation

As part of the European Erasmus program

Innovative digital strategy

2 applications will be launched to create new interaction opportunities

You can join us as:


As members, you will be able to attend and vote at the General Assembly and have a representative present on the Board of Directors.


In addition to everything to which simple members are entitled, as founding members you will participate in decision-making concerning the Cultural Route of Sport.

The ECROS Association being a member of the Cultural Route, each member will benefit from the communication of the European Institute of Cultural Routes with:

  • A presence on the IEIC website, institutional communication and event strategy through participation in various workshops, conferences and seminars.
  • Information on upcoming meetings and the schedule of actions planned until 2024.

Other ways to join us in this adventure:

By providing partners within the framework of calls for proposals which will develop within the framework of the Cultural Olympiad and within the framework of European programs on institutions and research territories

By asking to be informed of upcoming meetings, and the calendar of actions for this year

By talking about this project around you, and in particular to heritage or sports associations, cultural institutions and local authorities

If you are interested in the project, do not hesitate to contact us:

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