The project


European Cultural Route Of Sport

At the heart of the "Paris 2024" Heritage Plan, which includes 170 measures, the number 117 recommends developing a European Cultural Route of Sports Heritage that can be certified by the Council of Europe. Supported by the Ministry of Culture as part of the Paris 2024 Cultural Olympiad, - a multi-disciplinary artistic and cultural programme - running from 2021 to September 2024 across France.

This is the 1st route focusing on sport heritage among the forty or so European cultural routes already certified.

This itinerary would incorporate tangible and intangible heritage, including that associated with various sporting practices - so-called "traditional" games, not forgetting innovative practices in which art and sport are readily combined.

According to recent research by the International Olympic Committee, there are around 3,000 places in Europe linked to Olympic history. These locations, which will be accepted by the Scientific Council, will be used to create sub-theme itineraries. (traditional sports, urban sports, sports museums, outdoor sports, the fight for equality through sport, disabled sport, etc).

To present this application for certification at the European Institute of Cultural Routes (IEIC), the European Cultural Route of Sport Association was created in 2021 to carry out this project around the very strong values represented by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport

- Gender equality; 

- Promotion of women’s sports;

- Changing perspectives on disability;

- Combating all forms of discrimination;

- Commitment to Peace;

- Implementation of European conventions - ; cultural convention ; faro ; on the landscape ; the world heritage convention (Unesco) 

- Access to education;

- Sustainable tourism or respect for cultural diversity… 

This association will position itself within a European framework (in the broad sense of the Council of Europe) with a scientific council. The latter will be responsible for defining the objectives and ambitions of the cultural project based on expertise requested by the European Institute of Cultural Routes and serve as a feasibility study. 

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