

European Cultural Route Of Sport

To develop a Cultural Itinerary, we need the support and investment of a wider network. This is why the partners have a fundamental role in the co-construction of this route.

A prominent objective of this cultural itinerary on the heritage of sport:

Our mission is to preserve the memory of sport, but also of sports figures who help to preserve the memory of sportsmen and sportswomen or artists linked to sport.

To this end, ECROS intends to actively participate with the actors involved:

  • Other countries for the enlargement of European tourism
  • Local, national and international territories: this itinerary can have a significant impact on your territory
  • Professional tourism actors in France and within the Council of Europe countries partners regardless of the level of community concerned and whether they are public or private actors

Vectors of link, inclusion, sharing, and emancipation, our proposals will be by their pooling in particular with the other ICCE certified to give rise to unique emotions, to feed powerful imaginations. Indeed, sport has always been an infinite source of art, but we can also use sport as a theme of artistic expression, which corresponds well to the definition of cultural tourism.

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